Juvenile Facility Sexual Abuse Attorney

sexual assault

When children or adolescents are placed in a juvenile detention facility, their parents or guardians expect they’ll be cared for and protected. Sexual abuse in juvenile detention centers is a grave violation of public trust and safety, and it leaves vulnerable young people with lifelong trauma.

The attorneys at Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg, & Jeck, P.C., offer legal help for sexual abuse in juvenile facilities and have extensive experience representing survivors in civil court. Since our founding, we’ve achieved over $4 billion for clients throughout Pennsylvania, including $2.4 billion in a child sexual abuse settlement against the Boy Scouts of America. We work fully on your behalf, and you don’t owe us anything unless we win your case. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case.

History of Sexual Abuse at Pennsylvania Juvenile Detention Facilities

Pennsylvania’s juvenile detention facilities have faced numerous lawsuits and reports of systemic abuse. Some claims are so notorious that they have made national headlines, such as:

Why Does Sexual Abuse Occur at Juvenile Detention Centers?

While individual abusers must be held responsible for their actions, certain systemic factors can also contribute to predatory behavior. This includes the following:

  • Improper Resident Oversight – Abuse can happen under the radar if staff does not sufficiently monitor residents.
  • Improper Staff Training and Vetting – Detention center administrators must conduct thorough background screenings of each prospective hire. They must also adequately train staff to recognize and prevent abuse.
  • Power Imbalances – The hierarchical structure at many youth detention centers, whether among staff, residents, or in between the two, can enable abusive behavior.
  • Cultural Failures – If a facility has a culture of silence, bribes child sexual abuse survivors into staying quiet, or retaliates against them, they will feel reluctant to come forward.

Juvenile detention facilities should act to avoid these scenarios to prevent abuse. If you or your child experienced sexual abuse that you believe was caused by these systemic failures, contact an experienced juvenile detention facility sexual abuse lawyer from our dedicated law firm if you want to pursue justice.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Sexual Abuse at a Juvenile Detention Center?

Liability in a juvenile detention sexual abuse lawsuit can have different layers. Some instances of abuse are isolated, but that is often not the case when children are involved. An organization may try to protect its reputation by hiding allegations of abuse or shielding a known perpetrator.

A juvenile detention sexual abuse lawyer can investigate each of the following entities for legal responsibility as they build your case:

  • Staff – A staff member could be held liable if they perpetuated abuse directly or failed to intervene. Juvenile detention facility employees who have direct contact with children qualify as mandated reporters under the law.
  • Supervisors and Administrators – Juvenile detention center administrators could bear liability if they improperly vet staff, conceal abusive behavior, or allow it to continue.
  • Third-Party Contractors – Private companies that oversee juvenile detention facilities may have some liability if they fail to implement proper safety measures or ignore reports of abuse.

How Can a Sexual Abuse Claim Help Me?

No amount of litigation can completely erase the trauma of past sexual abuse at juvenile facilities. However, survivors who decide to pursue a civil claim could find justice in the following ways:

  • Monetary Relief – If your lawsuit succeeds, you could receive financial compensation for the healing support you need.
  • Accountability – A civil lawsuit can help you seek justice and hold individual perpetrators and negligent institutions accountable for their behavior. Since litigation creates a public record, it can also serve to deter abuse in the juvenile system in the future.
  • Empowerment – By filing a civil claim, you can reclaim your voice and defend your rights in a safe environment.

You can pursue civil litigation against your abuser even if no criminal charges have been filed. However, you must act quickly for the best odds of a just outcome.

Recent legislation has amended Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases. If you were under 18 when you suffered sexual abuse, you can file a lawsuit anytime before your 55th birthday. If the abuse occurred when you were between 18 and 24 years old, you can file anytime before your 30th birthday. Despite these lengthy filing periods, evidence to support your case can deteriorate over time. The sooner you find a juvenile detention facility abuse attorney you trust, the better they can serve you.

Contact Our Juvenile Detention Sexual Assault Lawyers for a Free Consultation to Discuss Your Case

The Philadelphia juvenile facilities sexual abuse attorneys of Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C. handle claims with compassion and sensitivity. Our team focuses on the most catastrophic cases and takes an aggressive, nationally-acclaimed, and uniquely trial-focused approach. We have experience filing lawsuits for juvenile detention abuse at the Glen Mills Schools and Devereux and have also pursued sexual abuse claims against the Boy Scouts of America and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

For life’s toughest trials, you deserve a formidable advocate. Contact us today for a free and confidential case review with one of our sexual abuse lawyers.

Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg, & Jeck, P.C.
1634 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA, 19103
Phone: (215) 585-2814
Email: info@erlegal.com