
Abuse at Glen Mills Schools: Survivors Seek Justice

Transcript Rob Rosenthal [00:00:00] Hi again, everybody. And this is another episode of Ask the Lawyer. Today, we’re going to ask about some disturbing allegations surrounding a longtime reform school for children in Pennsylvania. I’m Rob Rosenthal with And here to answer our questions is attorney Nancy Winkler of the law firm of Eisenberg, […]

Court Ruling Opens Door for PTSD to Be a Covered ‘Bodily Injury’ When Accompanied by Physical Injury

The Pennsylvania Superior Court has issued a stunning reversal on a lower court ruling that favored Travelers Insurance Company and its assertion that PTSD should not be a covered bodily injury. The reversal may have many accident victims wondering whether PTSD could be considered a bodily injury in their cases as well. According to court […]

Court Throws a Challenge Flag on Cowboy Fan’s $700,000 Verdict

A football fan may not see any of the $700,000 in damages awarded in a 2018 jury verdict against the Philadelphia Eagles over allegations of negligent security. The Pennsylvania Superior Court recently vacated the award in a ruling that “could prove instructive in other premises liability cases,” according to The Legal Intelligencer. Patrick Pearson, who […]

Jury Awards $60 Million to Woman Who Was Sexually Assaulted at a Devereux Foundation Rehabilitation Facility

A Georgia jury recently awarded $60 million in damages to a Cobb, Georgia woman who was sexually assaulted by a male employee of the Devereux Georgia Treatment Network in May 2012 when she was 15 years old. The jury awarded the woman $10 million in actual damages, $50 million in punitive damages, and the costs […]

Avoiding Dangerous Toys This Holiday Season

It is that time of year again. Parents and family members are running around purchasing toys to give to the little ones in their lives. These presents are expected to bring nothing but joy and happiness. Unfortunately, that is not always the way it works. Sometimes, toys are dangerous and end up hurting the children […]

The Legal Intelligencer Spotlights Eisenberg Rothweiler’s Work Representing Clients Sexually Abused by Boy Scout Leaders

A recent front-page article in The Legal Intelligencer, the leading Pennsylvania daily newspaper covering the legal industry, discussed in detail the work Stewart Eisenberg and Josh Schwartz have done on behalf of their clients who allege they were sexually abused by Boy Scouts of America scoutmasters. The article focused on the impact state laws have […]

Boy Scout Sexual Abuse Scandal: More Than 12,000 Victims?

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The Boy Scouts of America is facing thousands of accusations involving child sexual abuse. For many decades, the organization maintained a blacklist that accounted for thousands of instances of alleged child sexual abuse. In 2012, the Los Angeles Times wrote extensively on these blacklists, which are also known as the “perversion files”. The Los Angeles […]

Understanding the Boy Scout Abuse Scandal and the “Perversion Files”


Since its start in 1910, The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) kept secret files containing thousands of sexual abuse cases against scout leaders. Also known as the “Perversion Files,” these reports detail the abuse, as well as include a blacklist of abusers, dating back to the early 1900s. Investigations by the Los Angeles Times report […]

Could Physician Burnout Cause Your Doctor to Make a Medical Error?

Three surgeons at work operating in surgical theatre

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America behind heart disease and cancer. These errors are also often preventable, so healthcare professionals have put great effort into bringing the instances of errors down. However, are some of these efforts misplaced? If so, could this lead to more medical malpractice? Should Physician Burnout […]

Understanding the Spike in Suicides for Pennsylvania Prison Inmates

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According to a report published by the CDC, suicide rates have risen over 30 percent since 1999. In Pennsylvania, the suicide rate has increased by 22 percent since 2008. While these numbers are troubling, there are segments of our population where the suicide rate is even higher. For example, the suicide rate for the Pennsylvania […]