
How Did a Tire Blowout Result in the Largest Amputation Settlement in the Nation?

Car crash in urban street with black car

While driving her family in her Saturn Relay, a woman was forced off the road as a concrete mixer’s tire exploded. The tire blowout resulted in the tread becoming separated and left to dangerously remain on a busy highway. This led to the Saturn Relay crashing into the huge tread and eventually caused a rollover […]

Are Defective Guardrails Responsible for Deaths Nationwide?

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Guardrails are supposed to save lives by helping absorb the impact forces during car accidents. Ironically, certain models of guardrails may increase the chances of death or serious injuries during collisions. Recent deaths across the country were reportedly caused by guardrails, such as the X-Lite. This telescoping guardrail system is manufactured by Lindsay Transportation Solutions. […]

Four Types of Medical Errors in Emergency Rooms

team of doctors working on patient

Medical errors can occur in any type of outpatient or inpatient setting. Emergency rooms are a health care setting where medical errors can occur. There are several theories as to why medical errors are more common in emergency rooms than other health care settings. Overcrowding is one possible reason. Regardless of the cause, it is […]

Philadelphia VIP Names Our Law Firm as a Finalist for a Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. Award

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We are honored to announce that Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P. C. , has been selected by Philadelphia VIP as a finalist to receive a Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. Award.

What are the Worst Mistakes During Surgery?

team of doctors working on patient

Medical errors are responsible for an estimated 251,000 to 440,000 deaths in the US each year. An incorrect diagnosis, surgical mistake or medication error could lead to a serious injury or death during your next visit to the hospital. Surgical mistakes are a type of medical error that affects thousands of patients each year. Some […]

What Could Cause Cerebral Palsy at Birth?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 323 children in the US suffer from cerebral palsy, a condition that may be caused by an injury to a developing brain. Cerebral palsy affects balance and posture. Certain types of medical mistakes before and during birth could cause your child to develop […]

Can Winter Coats Keep Child Car Seats from Working?

Waiting for happiness

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics show that child car seats reduce the risk of death during a motor vehicle accident by 54 percent for passengers between 1 and 4 years old. Compared to regular seatbelt use, booster seats reduce the risk of serious injury by 45 percent for children between 4 […]

Are Diagnostic Errors Medical Malpractice?

Medical mistakes are responsible for an estimated 251,000 to 450,000 deaths in the US each year. Diagnostic errors are the most common type of medical mistake by health care providers. However, there are multiple types of diagnostic errors that could harm you or a loved one. The different types of diagnostic errors include but are […]

Multiple Casualties Reported After Washington Amtrak Derailment

train derailment

Multiple fatalities and injuries were reported after an Amtrak train derailed above an overpass in DuPont, Washington. According to Pierce County officials, Amtrak Train 501 was travelling along a new route when it derailed above an overpass on Interstate 5. Railcars fell off the overpass and crushed vehicles below. Photos taken by witnesses show additional […]

Massage Envy Franchises Accused of Widespread Sexual Assault


More than 180 women claim they were sexually assaulted while receiving treatments at Massage Envy, a national chain of day-spas. Massage Envy has grown into a multibillion-dollar business that operates more than 1,170 franchise locations in 49 states. The claims were uncovered by a BuzzFeed News investigation, which gathered information from lawsuits, police reports and […]