On November 11, 2017, Francis Amagasu’s life changed forever when the seat belt in his 1992 Mitsubishi 3000GT failed to restrain him during a 45-mph rollover crash in Buckingham Township, Pennsylvania. As a result, he suffered catastrophic spinal cord injuries that left him unable to move his arms or legs. But almost exactly six years […]
Category: Catastrophic Injury Articles
$976 Million Jury Verdict in Defective Seat Belt Case
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

The Philadelphia injury lawyers of Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C., are no strangers to brain injuries. We have worked tirelessly to secure the compensation personal injury victims need after sustaining catastrophic injuries caused by negligent parties. We secured $24.8 million for our client who fell through a skylight while working on the roof […]
Determining Severity of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Sustaining a traumatic brain injury is a serious and potentially life-altering event. Traumatic brain injuries, also known as TBIs, are often the result of sudden, rapid back-and-forth or side-to-side movement of the head caused by some form of jolt or thrust. This can cause severe damage to the sufferer’s brain cells, which can lead to […]
Court Throws a Challenge Flag on Cowboy Fan’s $700,000 Verdict
A football fan may not see any of the $700,000 in damages awarded in a 2018 jury verdict against the Philadelphia Eagles over allegations of negligent security. The Pennsylvania Superior Court recently vacated the award in a ruling that “could prove instructive in other premises liability cases,” according to The Legal Intelligencer. Patrick Pearson, who […]
How Did a Tire Blowout Result in the Largest Amputation Settlement in the Nation?

While driving her family in her Saturn Relay, a woman was forced off the road as a concrete mixer’s tire exploded. The tire blowout resulted in the tread becoming separated and left to dangerously remain on a busy highway. This led to the Saturn Relay crashing into the huge tread and eventually caused a rollover […]
Are Defective Guardrails Responsible for Deaths Nationwide?

Guardrails are supposed to save lives by helping absorb the impact forces during car accidents. Ironically, certain models of guardrails may increase the chances of death or serious injuries during collisions. Recent deaths across the country were reportedly caused by guardrails, such as the X-Lite. This telescoping guardrail system is manufactured by Lindsay Transportation Solutions. […]
Can Soccer Goal Posts Injure Children?

Tip-over accidents involving portable soccer goals are responsible for an estimated 200 injuries and one death each year. Many soccer goal accidents involve young children and teenagers. People responsible for supervising child athletes may assume these goal posts cannot tip over because they weigh hundreds of pounds. However, soccer goals are top-heavy objects that can […]