Vacuum Extraction Birth Injury Lawyers

Birth Injury Lawyers

Did an improper or unnecessary vacuum delivery injure you or your child? At Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C., we know you need an aggressive advocate for life’s toughest trials. Our record of success in birth injury cases includes an $8.9 million recovery for a woman who suffered severe brain damage during her mother’s labor. Let’s talk about your case during a free consultation and pursue fair compensation together.

How Can a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Help with a Vacuum Extraction Birth Injury?

If you or your child suffered injuries from a vacuum assisted delivery, you could have grounds to pursue a medical malpractice claim against the doctor who performed it. As you do so, it’s crucial to have a legal team that understands the deep impact such an injury can have. Our Pennsylvania birth injury lawyers want to stand with you through this challenging time and guide your case to a successful conclusion.

To start, we delve into the heart of your case, gathering critical evidence and consulting medical professionals to build a strong foundation for your claim. Our firm’s focus is on severe and catastrophic injuries, and we work diligently at every step to address the full effects of vacuum delivery complications.

As your case progresses, we can guide you through the entire legal process, breaking down complex legal terms and procedures so you understand your rights and options. We’re not afraid to take your case to trial to enforce your rights, where our team will fight tirelessly before a judge and jury for the full amount you’re owed.

We know maternal and neonatal complications from the excessive force of a vacuum extractor can have devastating consequences in both the short and long term. That’s why we are prepared to do everything we can to provide you with the financial security you and your family deserve during this difficult time. We’ll take your case at no upfront cost to you, instead collecting a fee only from the compensation we recover on your behalf.

What Is Vacuum Extraction?

Vacuum extraction is a medical procedure used during childbirth to assist the delivery of a baby when labor is not progressing adequately. This method involves attaching a vacuum device, also known as a vacuum extractor, to the baby’s head. Vacuum extractors use gentle suction to help guide the baby out of the birth canal while the mother pushes.

Doctors opt for vacuum extraction under specific conditions when labor stalls, particularly if the mother has a prolonged second stage, which is the period from full cervical dilation to the delivery of the baby. The procedure can expedite delivery in situations where the baby shows signs of fetal distress, or the mother is exhausted and unable to push effectively.

However, vacuum extraction is not suitable for all deliveries. It requires certain prerequisites to be met, including a fully dilated cervix, the baby’s head being engaged in the pelvis, and the absence of certain fetal or maternal health conditions that could make the procedure riskier. These conditions include certain fetal bleeding disorders or maternal pelvic structural concerns. If doctors do not consider all the potential risk factors of vacuum extraction, they can cause significant harm to both mother and child.

Risks and Complications of Vacuum Extraction Birth Injuries

A vacuum extraction birth carries a significant risk of maternal complications and health problems for newborn babies. Parents must understand both the immediate and long-term implications for both mother and baby.

For the Baby

Babies face many potential health issues due to vacuum extraction. These include minor injuries like scalp lacerations and more serious ones like cephalohematomas, which are collections of blood under the scalp. In some cases, babies might experience subgaleal hematomas, a more severe condition where blood collects under the scalp’s connective tissue. Intracranial hemorrhages, although rare, represent the most severe risk, as they can lead to bleeding inside the brain. Other potential issues include facial nerve palsies, hyperbilirubinemia (a buildup of bilirubin in the blood that can lead to jaundice), and retinal hemorrhages.

For the Mother

Mothers are not immune to the risks associated with vacuum extraction. They may experience perineal pain, lacerations, hematomas, and significant blood loss, leading to anemia. In some cases, these physical traumas can lead to urinary retention and challenges with both urinary and fecal incontinence.

Long-Term Complications

The effects of a vacuum extraction birth don’t end at childbirth for mothers and babies. Certain complications may emerge over time. Mothers might face long-term challenges such as urinary and anal dysfunction, including incontinence, fistula formation, and pelvic organ prolapse. These issues often manifest months or even years after delivery and significantly impact quality of life.

Vacuum extraction can also lead to long-term complications for babies, especially if injuries or brain damage occur during the process. These may include developmental delays, learning difficulties, and issues with motor skills. Severe cases might result in cerebral palsy or other neurological conditions, underscoring the importance of careful monitoring and early intervention to support the child’s growth and development.

How Do Vacuum Extraction Birth Injuries Occur?

Vacuum extraction birth injuries often result from the delicate and complex nature of the procedure. Injuries can result if the suction is too strong or the vacuum cup is not positioned correctly on the baby’s head. These injuries might include surface injuries like scalp lacerations and bruises, or more severe internal injuries such as intracranial hemorrhages or nerve damage.

If a doctor attempts a vacuum extraction in situations where it’s not advisable, such as when the baby is not in the correct position for delivery, the risks of injury increase. The skill and experience of the healthcare

professional, along with careful consideration of when and how to use vacuum extraction, play critical roles in minimizing the risk of birth injuries.

Contact an Experienced Birth Injury Attorney for Help

When doctors and other healthcare professionals perform a vacuum extraction incorrectly or in the wrong situation, a normally safe procedure can have catastrophic consequences for both mother and child. Is your family reeling in the aftermath of a vacuum extraction-related birth injury? If so, the Pennsylvania birth injury lawyers at Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C., want to help you recover fair compensation for what you’ve suffered. Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation.

Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg, & Jeck, P.C.
1634 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA, 19103
Phone: (215) 585-2814